Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hello World

Hey,welcome to the most beautiful page in internet history..my blog.So this is how my blog is going to work.Everyday I will add stuff which interests me most in the daily news.Of course,they will be from the point of view of a teen from the big city,Mumbai…the city that never sleeps and my hometown.Here is some things that you would like to know about me.
I am an electrical engineering student with a skill that is considered useless in my field,writing.I always wanted to be a writer and learn literature..but alas Indian students have to put career before interests.I am an excellent basketball player too.I basically do stuff as all average teens do,so I am not going to bore you with that.I am a total sportsfan especially football…cant wait for the worldcup.I am sure though that in my lifetime I wont be seeing India lift the football world cup..sigh.I am big strong and muscly..so I have a reputation of being a bully…its not my fault though,nerds are my eternal enemies and they are growing in number in this country of mine.I love working out and riding my bike around town.I am a no nonsense straightforward aggressive guy which u will see in my blog.I am not shy of voicing my opinions and I hope this blog serves as a platform for it.I am totally anti Bush..so expect a lot of Bushbashing.Look forward to my next entry ok….silverback out.


AJ ! Serendipity !!! said...

Welcome to the blogworld :)

Anonymous said...

friedlichen augen gl nzten fast durchsichtig im licht des feuers, als er war jung und trippelte geschmeidig ber die unmenschliche barbarei,
